Hunger Games Essay By Andie R.
Hunger Games Study Guide
The Hunger Games Symbolism, Imagery, & Allegory
Why 'The Hunger Games' isn't the new 'Twilight' by Tina Jordan
Hogwarts Professor: Thoughts for Serious Readers' Hunger Games category
'The Hunger Games': How reality TV explains the YA sensation by Darren Franich
Panem for Thought: A Hunger Games Discussion Comm on LJ
A Speculative Map of Panem by aimmyarrowshigh and badguys
A Complete Entymology of the Names in Panem by aimmyarrowshigh and badguys
Katniss Everdeen: A Heroine For the Ages by Emmy
Finally, the most awesome, a book that looks critically at themes in The Hunger Games series:
The Girl Who Was on Fire: Your Favorite Authors on Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy Edited by Leah Wilson
In fact, I liked this book so much that for my first YASFF Book Giveaway I'm going to give away a copy!
Contest Rules:
1. Comment with your name (or pseudonym you'd like to use publicly).
2. I'll give an extra +1 chance of winning if you're a follower of my blog.
3. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, September 27th with a post in the blog. The winner has 72 hours to contact me at yasffblog(at)gmail(dot)com with their address or I reserve the right to choose another winner.
4. Contest is open only to residents of the US and Canada. Sorry international peeps, I hope to figure out international contests soon but not for this one.
That's it! I want to keep my first contest pretty simple, but I hope it tides you over until I can get out of the con costuming rush and back to writing book reviews!